First Round writes, “We launched State of Startups to capture what it means to be an entrepreneur. We asked the leaders of venture-backed companies about everything from the fundraising environment to their working relationships with their co-founders to their office’s price per square foot.” Adding, “Once again, we asked founders to write in which current tech leader they admire the most and we tallied 125 names. The Tesla and SpaceX leader held firm at the top spot (23%),” ranking Musk as most admired leader. According to the Country Caller, Musk was described by the San Francisco-based firm as “more revolutionary than the legendary Steve Jobs”. Tesla and SpaceX are often applauded for their ambitions, whether it’s helping the world shift to renewable energy sources or colonize Mars. The company has also been a constant partner of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). In fact, SpaceX has been striking deals with NASA. According to Recode, they are set to launch satellites “that will monitor the earth’s surface water and climate change”. Not only this the company has plans to setup up a global high-speed internet connection through thousands of satellites to establish a colony on Mars by 2024. Coming up, the company has a planned SpaceX launch on December 16, and the updated version of Tesla’s self-driving Autopilot hardware will be released in a few weeks.