However, not all personal information can be hidden. Amongst those, it includes your friends list even though there is an option to hide that. It has been found that the actual problem lies in the Facebook’s mutual-friends feature concept, which in the past has been a point of debate giving rise to privacy security. However, now Google has come up with a new Free Chrome extension called “Facebook Friends Mapper”, which can reveal much more than just the list of mutual friends of the two Facebook users. This can be done in “just one click” bringing Privacy risks and high security for Facebook users. In the event, you want to hide your friends list from your own friends as well as from other Facebook users, Facebook normally lets you to set the visibility of your list of Facebook friends by making use of the option “Only Me”. But, the issue is that other Facebook users would still be able to view a part of your hidden Friends list, even if you have selected your friends list to be private. Well, this part is much more than just your mutual Facebook friends. Let’s see how does Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome extension work to tackle this issue Facebook Friends Mapper extension influences the Mutual Friends feature of the social networking site to drag forward and reveal your hidden Facebook Friends list. For example, let’s take the case of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. He does not shares his list of friends with the public and assume that you are not on his friend list. However, you may end up having at least one mutual friend with him. Hence, if you use the Facebook Friends Mapper tool you may be able to view some of his hidden Facebook friends by making use of the ‘mutual friend’ logical flaw. See below to use the Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome extension

  1. Go to Chrome web store and install Facebook Friends Mapper extension.
  2. Open Facebook profile of the user you want to target.
  3. You will find ‘Reveal Friends’ option on Friends tab.
  4. Click on Reveal Friends and there you go. However, you need to meet just one condition: You can use Facebook Friends Mapper extension in the event you want to view hidden Facebook Friend list of anyone, only if you satisfy the following condition: You must have at least one mutual friend who is friends with the Facebook user, whose friends list you want to target. It is not important if you are friends with him/her or not. As it was launched just a few days ago, many of the users are not yet aware about Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome extension, the Facebook Hacking Tool. Google Chrome Extension Store let’s you install Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome extension free of cost. Please note that if you wish to keep your friends list private, then Facebook’s current privacy setting would not help you to address the problem. Hence, before this tool gets rowdy, we anticipate a privacy patch from Facebook Security team as early as possible.