One of the favourite game among online players, PlayersUnknown’s Battlegrounds, or PUBG as it is affectionately called has been having problems with Steam servers since last week. The PUBG online game which is known as Royale online game is based on 2000 film Battle Royale and is based on Mods created by  Brendan “PlayerUnknown” Greene. PUBG, otherwise known as PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is experiencing connection issues this evening with a majority of the games PC player base on Steam unable to connect to the online survival game. Independent outage tracking website, shows that the PUBG’s Steam servers are down for over 10 minutes now. The comments page on another outage website DownDetector shows how the players are unhappy with the outage. Down Detector logged hundreds of reports from fans unable to connect to the game.

In the meantime, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds players took to Twitter and Facebook to vent their ire over the Steam outage. Unluckily for them, the Steam’s status update page doesn’t list the PUBG server status on their website. For the uninitiated, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is based on the epic 2000 movie Battle Royale. PIt starts with 100 players parachuting from a plane onto a large island, where they then search for weapons and gear before a brutal fight to the death as surviving players edge closer to the centre of the island. The players can choose different Mods to fight the enemy and turn out victorious. The game is extra hard and the winner of PUBG is the last man standing.

PUBG DOWN  PlayerUnknown s Battlegrounds servers DOWN on Steam   TechWorm - 13