The numbers given in the the warning are 1-800-480-4170? in the U.S. or “0800 279 6211? or “0800 652 4895? in the UK.
While other users have reported a message saying “There is a problem with the configuration of your iOS. Please call Apple Technical Support.” Some users said the pop-up had frozen activity on their browser. According to those affected, a person then answers the call and asks for a payment to remove the block on a phone and “restart” iOS. However, the whole conversation is a con and the user is in fact giving their bank details to scammers. Many users in UK and US have already fallen prey to the scam. If you receive any such notifications, here is how to fix it and block the crash reports Apple has directed users to a support page that explains how to fix it. Here’s how to prevent the pop ups. To prevent the issue happening again, go to Settings -> Safari -> Block Pop-ups.