Five years have passed since the Megaupload mission and now FBI seems to be keen on making money from the seized Megaupload domains rather than parking them without use. Nothing wrong in that but the fact is that the seized domains including are now showing NSFW ads. For those who don’t know, FBI went after Kim Dotcom and his Megaupload for hosting illegal content through the file sharing service. It was successful in bringing down the Kim Dotcom service and forcing him to exile himself to New Zealand. Last December a New Zealand District Court judge ruled that Kim Dotcom and his colleagues can be extradited to the United States to face criminal charges, a decision that will be appealed shortly. With the criminal case pending, the U.S. Government also retains control over Kim Dotcoms seized assets like cash, cars, and a dozen of Megaupload’s former domain names, including,,,,, and Initially, the domains served a banner indicating they had been seized as part of a criminal investigation. However, those who visit some of the sites today are in for a surprise.  The premier Kim Docom file storing website, is now hosting a site dedicated to soft porn advertisements. Other seized domains are also filled with ads, including,, and

As can be seen from the domain WHOIS data, still uses the old nameservers, which means that an outsider is now able to control several of the seized Megaupload domain names.

The FBI s Megaupload Domains Are Now Hosting NSFW Ads   TechWorm - 87The FBI s Megaupload Domains Are Now Hosting NSFW Ads   TechWorm - 15