There is a lot of content for VR like apps and games and YouTube has a full channel for it named 360° Videos. One of the coolest things to come out of VR is the games that are currently being developed. VR seems to be tailor made for playing horror games such as this one called The Brookhaven Experiment. Imagine on the slimy creeping beings coming at you to kill. A user named Renate tried her hand at playing The Brookhaven Experiment and it left her shaken and stirred. Seeing the slimy, brain sucking zombies coming at her one after another with a lot of screaming and hyperventilating, left Renate breathless and unable to continue.

Well, we have got to give it to the girl because even in midst of all those panicked screams shrilled through the air, she connected on most of her shots. Well done, Renate. If you havent given VR a whirl, we suggest you try out cheaper Google Cardboard before graduating to expensive ones like Samsung Gear, HTC Hive or the mighty Oculus Rift.