New driver companion app Rydar promises to be better than the competition and help drivers make more money in less time. We all crave efficiency; it is the tip of the business sword. So, it might not come as a shock to business people, but everything can be optimized. From waiting tables to managing a fortune 500 company, anyone’s job can be done better, faster, and more effectively. Those who might feel it the most, are taxi drivers, whose income and results vary greatly from night to night. Well, one app aims to change all that. Rydar is a new Uber Driver companion app available on Android and iOS. While driver companion apps are nothing new, this app claims to have more features and more automation to help drivers make the most of every work day. The app’s core features are: a surge notification, which is common in other apps as well; an event calendar, so drivers know what nights they should be driving and make more money due to higher driving traffic; pickup hotspots which will save time in finding your next rider; and a mileage tracker, which the company claims is different than all those that came before it. Mileage trackers are very common in the driver companion app space, but Ryder’s actually tracks miles automatically using Uber’s API, rather than drivers doing so manually. According to Rydar, this is a world first. “We created RYDAR to allow rideshare drivers the luxury of a personal assistant that ultimately allows them to effectively and safely provide passengers the best service while remaining in full control,” said Co-Founder Denis Berekchiyan. “The success of shared-rides relies heavily on the well being of drivers, and the ability to manage, prioritize, and plan their trips. We’re here to benefit both drivers and passengers by ensuring the most efficient trips.” Rydar currently only works with Uber, though they plan on adding other popular services, such as Lyft to the app in coming releases. These could all be bells and whistles that might have no effect on drivers’ income. While it sounds great, Uber is a great machine with tons of variables and it’s yet to be seen if this app is what helps Uber drivers get a better and more consistent income. Once more or even all drivers in a specific area use this app, then their competitive edge is gone, with all of them showing up to the same events and the same hotspots, competing over the same fares.