In Microsoft’s new releases OS, Windows 10, the Start menu includes an All Apps list which gives users quick access to their Applications.

However Microsoft engineers seem to have placed some sore of limit on the total number of menu Apps to 512 entries. On the Windows Forum a user called Lurtzi reported the issue : While Microsoft Program Manager, ArunjeetSingh2 published a way for Windows 10 users to find out whether they are affected by the issue : I brought down the number under 500 by deinstalling some stuff, but it still doesn’t work. Hope this gets fixed real soon or I’ll have to look at third party software for the start menu… If you have more than 512 Apps, uninstalling the unwanted and less important apps and bringing the number of Apps back to below 512 to get the Start Menu work normally.

Bring up the Start menu and search for Windows Powershell Run Windows Powershell Run the command “Get-StartApps | measure” (without the quotes) in the command window If you see a number larger than or equal to 512 you are affected by this issue. We are working on a fix to this issue.

Another workaround for the issue is using a third party Start menu such as Stardock’s Start10 while we wait for Microsoft engineers to lift the 512 limit placed on the Start menu.